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Configuration of the module Yandex translator for the online shop {SEO-Shop}, OpenCart 2.x, 3.x, ocStore

  1. Module installation “NeoSeo Yandex translator”

To install the module “NeoSeo Yandex translator” for OpenCart, you must:

  1. Go to admin panel and click on “Extras”->”Modules”:
  2. In the list of modules that opens, select “NeoSeo Yandex Translator” and click on the “Install” button:
  3. Go to the "Add-ons" -> "Add-ons Manager" section and click on the "Update" button in the window that opens.

This completes the installation of the module and you can proceed to editing the module settings.

  1. Editing module settings

To edit the module’s settings, go to the site’s administrative panel and select the “Add-ons” -> ”Modules” section. In the list of modules that opens, select “NeoSeo Yandex Translator” and click on the “Edit” button:

After that, the window for editing module settings will appear on the screen:

The “Settings” tab is used to configure the following options:

  1. Turn on / off the module. In order to connect the module to the store, you need to select “Enabled” in the “Status” field:
  2. API key. To access the online machine translation service of Yandex, you need to add an API key. To do this, you must:
  • Create an account in Yandex.
  • Go to the “API Key” page:
  • Click on the button “Create a new key”:

Enter a clear description of the key and click on the “Create” button:

As a result, the API key will be obtained:

Copy this key and enter it in the “API key” field:

To verify, click on the “Verify key” button. When specifying the correct key, a message appears stating that the API key was found:

  1. Translate fields. Using this field you can specify what information about the product you want to translate:
  2. Source of data for translation. This module for OpenCart allows you to select one of two data sources for translation: “Current Tab” and “Tab with Language for Translation”. For example, select the “Language tab for translation”
  3. What language to translate from. This option allows you to select the source language from which translation into other languages will be performed:
  4. Proxy server. This field must be filled in if Yandex is blocked. On the site you can choose free and paid proxies.
  5. Code Matching List. Yandex does not accept some language codes. For example, the code “ua” in Yandex is “uk”. Using this field, you can specify the correspondence of codes for Yandex in the format:

language code - language code in Yandex.

Example: ua-uk

Note! If you need to enter several code matches, enter each pair from a new line:

Important!!! After adding all the changes, click the “Save” button:

After saving the module settings, go to the “Catalog” -> ”Products” section:

In the general list of products, product names are displayed in all available languages:

For example, let's move on to the product editing form:

Then to the “General” tab:

Using this tab, you can add various product information (name, description, meta tags) in all languages that are integrated into the structure of your site.

In this example, three languages are available: English, Russian, Ukrainian:

On the tabs with English and Ukrainian languages, the button “Execute translation” has been added. On the tab with the Russian language, this button is not added, since the following parameters are indicated in the module settings:

This means that the translation will be made from the Russian language and the data for the translation will be taken from the tab with the Russian language.

For example, we’ll go to the tab with the Ukrainian language and click on the “Run translation” button:

As a result, information on the product in Ukrainian is added on this tab:

Important!!! After adding all the changes, click the “Save” button:

UPDATE from 08/26/2019

Now the module supports the translation of sections Categories, Authors, Articles in the module NeoSeo Blog.

In the module settings, the tabs Added Products, Blog Articles, Blog Categories, as well as Blog Authors.

Settings Translate fields, Data source for translation, From which language to translate, which were in the Settings tab, transferred to the Products tab and remained unchanged.

In the tabs of Blog Articles, Blog Categories and Blog Authors

such options are located

1) Translate fields. This option allows you to choose what information about the product you want to translate. It works both for batch translation and for the translation of individual items.

2) Source of data for translation. You can select one of two data sources for translation: “Current tab” and “Tab with language for translation”.

If you select “Current tab”, then the translation will be carried out in the language of the tab on which click the button Perform translation. The language from which to translate in this case will be determined automatically.

If you select the “Tab with the language for translation”, then the translation will be carried out from the language specified in the option From which language to translate into the language of the tab in which the Run translation button was clicked. This option is applicable only for the translation of individual items, but not for batch translation.

What language to translate from. This option allows you to select the source language from which translation into other languages will be performed:

Proxy server. This field must be filled in if Yandex is blocked. On the site you can choose free and paid proxies.

Code Matching List. Yandex does not accept some language codes. For example, the code “ua” in Yandex is “uk”. Using this field, you can specify the correspondence of codes for Yandex in the format:

language code - language code in Yandex.

Example: ua-uk

Note! If you need to enter several code matches, enter each pair from a new line:

Important!!! After adding all the changes, click the “Save” button:

After saving the module settings, go to the “Catalog” -> ”Products” section:

In the general list of products, product names are displayed in all available languages:

For example, let's move on to the product editing form:

Then to the “General” tab:

Using this tab, you can add various product information (name, description, meta tags) in all languages that are integrated into the structure of your site.

In this example, three languages are available: English, Russian, Ukrainian:

On the tabs with English and Ukrainian languages, the button “Execute translation” has been added. On the tab with the Russian language, this button is not added, since the following parameters are indicated in the module settings:

This means that the translation will be made from the Russian language and the data for the translation will be taken from the tab with the Russian language.

For example, we’ll go to the tab with the Ukrainian language and click on the “Run translation” button:

As a result, information on the product in Ukrainian is added on this tab:

Important!!! After adding all the changes, click the “Save” button:

UPDATE from 08/26/2019

Now the module supports the translation of sections Categories, Authors, Articles in the module NeoSeo Blog.

In the module settings, the tabs Added Products, Blog Articles, Blog Categories, as well as Blog Authors.

Settings Translate fields, Data source for translation, From which language to translate, which were in the Settings tab, transferred to the Products tab and remained unchanged.

In the tabs of Blog Articles, Blog Categories and Blog Authors

such options are located

1) Translate fields. This option allows you to choose what information about the product you want to translate. It works both for batch translation and for the translation of individual items.

2) Source of data for translation. You can select one of two data sources for translation: “Current tab” and “Tab with language for translation”.

If you select “Current tab”, then the translation will be carried out in the language of the tab on which click the button Perform translation. The language from which to translate in this case will be determined automatically.

If you select the “Tab with the language for translation”, then the translation will be carried out from the language specified in the option From which language to translate into the language of the tab in which the Run translation button was clicked. This option is applicable only for the translation of individual items, but not for batch translation.

What language to translate from. This option allows you to select the source language from which translation into other languages will be performed. It applies both to batch translation and to the translation of individual items.

These settings apply only to the corresponding section of the site. For example, settings from the Products tab will work in the Products section of the site, and settings from the Blog Articles tab will work only in the section of the Blog articles site

In order to translate the necessary text, you can use the batch translation. For example, to translate several blog articles, you need to select articles in the Blog -> Articles section and click the Translate button. The translation will be performed from the language specified in the settings in the option From which language to translate into the language specified on the Translate button.

You can also translate individual articles, categories, and authors. For example, to translate a specific article, you need to go into editing the article you need.

To translate, click the Run translation button. To save the translation, you need to click the Save button in the upper right corner of the screen.


Вы не указали, что яндекс бесплатно уже не раздает ключи API для перевода.
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