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How to wring out the maximum from the online store on OpenCart? - Start with a comprehensive audit!

“Who does not know where he is going will be very surprised by not getting there”.

Mark Twain

The dream of every owner of an online store is, undoubtedly, a regular and monthly increase in sales. You have already done much in advance, but what else can and should be done to achieve this goal? It often happens that due to the long work on the project, "the eyes are sticking together" and it would be great if someone uncovered them with an unbiased look.

For this purpose, it is very useful to order a comprehensive audit of the Internet store, in order to reconsider the usual cases and outline the ways of the phased development of the online store.

Web-studio "NeoSeo" provides a comprehensive audit of the online store, which will help you determine:

  • What else can be done in terms of attracting a new target audience?
  • how effective is the interaction of the Online store with customers.
  • What else can be done in terms of repeating sales?

Comprehensive audit from the web-studio "NeoSeo":full diagnostics of the site

Specialists of the web-studio "NeoSeo" will conduct a detailed comprehensive analysis of all factors affecting the increase in the number of sales, in particular, you will learn:

  1. How to bring a potential buyer to the site and where else is it worth looking for new potential buyers?
    - Free traffic from Google and Yandex search engines based on SEO audit.
    - Paid traffic: contextual advertising & remarketing in Google and Yandex, traffic from price aggregators and marketplaces, attraction through social networks (SMM), cooperation with teaser networks and CPA networks.
    -Guest posting on thematic forums, blogs, etc.
  2. How to persuade the user to buy, the issue of conversion, the transition of users to the status of buyers.
  3. How to increase the average of check, organize repeat sales, e-mail marketing and e-mail remarketing, etc ..

    After analyzing these aspects, you will get a comprehensive picture of possible ways to improve the work of your online store and Consequently:

    • Increasing sales volume.

    To conduct a comprehensive audit, experts of the web-studio "NeoSeo" choose for expert evaluation:

    • the main page of the site.
    • pages of categories of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels.
    • Products cards.
    • static pages (about us, delivery and payment, etc.).
    • dynamic pages of news and articles (blog).
    • data from Google Analytics and Yandex Metrics.

    The customer will receive all the expert opinions of the comprehensive audit in structured 8 tables, where the full information of the results of professional diagnostics is found. Some highlights:

    1. Correctness of construction of the general architecture of a site on conformity to its requirements of SEO-structure (SEO-audit).
    2. Evaluation of existing meta tags for all pages of the site: Title tag, meta tag Description, Keywords, headlines from H1 to H6 (SEO-audit).
    3. Analysis of the site content quality: SEO-texts, articles, comments, reviews, photos, videos, etc. (SEO-audit).
    4. Evaluation of the technical part of internal optimization and compliance of the Online store with the basic requirements of Google and Yandex search engines (SEO-audit).
    5. Estimating the number and quality of external links on the site (SEO-audit).
    6. Estimated cost of paid traffic.
    7. Evaluation of the quality of the site in terms of conversion of users to buyers.
    8. Evaluation of the actual marketing tools for the conversion of users to buyers
    9. The USP (unique selling proposition) is a Total concept and corporate values of an online store.
    10. The sales promotion elements (stocks, special offers, visual stickers)
    11. The elements of increasing the average of check (subsidiary blocks for cross-sales, additional sales in one click, etc.)
    12. Mechanisms of working with abandoned baskets.
    13. The forms of data capture and / or special notifications-communications in order to obtain the e-mail address of the user for further e-mail marketing.
    14. Availability of trigger mailings.
    15. An assessment of the usability of the site (Usability) and trust in the brand (Trustability).
    16. Assessment of the adaptability of design elements (analysis of site layout, color scale, the appearance of buttons, links, menus, etc.).
    17. Assessment of search and navigation on the site (accessibility of menu categories, transitions, etc.).
    18. Evaluation of purchases process (tips when filling out forms, registration stimulation, quick registration of purchase, etc.).
    19. Evaluation of the system of filters and sorting of goods (convenience, availability of user characteristics, etc.).
    20. Evaluation of the quality of information pages, information on delivery and payment, guarantees, etc .
    21. Evaluation of the work with feedback on the activities of the Online store.
    22. Evaluation of the quality of information about products: a detailed description of the goods, the availability of photos and video reviews, etc .
    23. Analysis of indicators and messages from the webmaster's panels.
    24. Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative indicators of site visits based on Google Analytics or Yandex Metrics (we will conduct an analysis of behavioral factors, time on the site, multi-channel, attribution).
    25. Technical analysis of the quality of the site.

    Web-studio "NeoSeo" gives 100% guarantee of comprehensive audit by the hands and brains of specialists, no "machine" templates (special programs are used only for auxiliary purposes).

    Since we are a full-integrated web studio, if necessary, we ourselves will implement all the edits based on the audit results.

    Terms of complex audit implementation - 12 working days. Contact sales managers by phone or fill out the form below, to discover the cost of the work.



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