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How to keep accounts of the online store?

Undoubtedly, a lucrative online business provides for correct accounting calculations. On how convenient programs can be used to keep records of your online store, read in our article.

Money loves the account, therefore at conducting an online business it is just necessary to carefully keep accounts. This is one of the guarantees of your future success. After all, only through accounting you will be able to track your spending and income. You will know when the first profit will appear, or you will understand that it is necessary to refuse any expenses. This will systematize and streamline the finances, as well as avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

Online store registration

If you still have not registered your online store documented, it is highly recommended that you do this. For a serious business this moment is really important. With an online store that is not registered, large enterprises and companies simply will not want to cooperate. It will be very difficult for you to conclude a contract with someone.

There are two forms of registering an online store: an individual entrepreneur (FOP – Ukr.) And a limited liability company (TOSOV – Ukr.).

The first option is suitable for you if you do not plan to develop a large business, and also are its sole owner. Such an online store is easy to open. In addition, you have no problems – if desired or necessary – you can close it. However, business, designed as a physical person-entrepreneur, can not be reissued to another owner or sold.

To register a business as a limited liability company is recommended for those who open a business with partners. According to the documents, you can register the rights and duties of each owner. If at some point you decide to secede from partners, then you will not have any problems. In addition, a limited liability company can be sold or re-registered to another owner. But to close such a business, you have to spend a lot of money and time.

Information for customers

Do not forget that you are obliged to provide customers of your online store with certain information about the product. This is stipulated by the legislation of Ukraine.

The site must be placed:

  • name of the online store;
  • the location of the online store;
  • acceptance of claims;
  • characteristics of each product;
  • commodity prices;
  • cost of delivery;
  • order of payment for an order;
  • guarantee period.

Also, you may have to place some additional information, depending on the nature of the goods in your online store.

If the listed information is not available, then you can be held accountable for violating the rights of consumers. So do not take chances. It's better to just create everything by the rules.

Choice of taxation system

In order to choose a taxation system, calculate your future profit. Also think about whether you will have hired workers. Depending on their number, the group number will vary.

For the online store when choosing a single tax may be the second or third group. If you work for up to 10 people, and the profit is not more than one and a half million hryvnia a year, then safely choose the second group.

If your profit is not more than five million a year, then you will be satisfied with the third group. At the same time, you can work for any number of people.

Maintaining the bookkeeping of the online store

After all the main important points related to registration have been resolved, you can proceed to the accounting systematization. If you are at the stage developing an online store, then the costs will also have to include the costs of its creation. In addition, the following points should be considered:

  • costs for hosting;
  • advertising costs;
  • purchase and sale of goods;
  • return of goods.

Remember that when counting products, you need to make not only the notices « Goods in stock » or "Goods sold", but also "Goods in transit". This will help you better navigate the situation.

Services and programs for accounting

Doing your own business accounting – It is not an easy task, because so many things need to be taken into account. Are you afraid of making mistakes in numbers or forgetting something? Just use a special program or service to account for income and expenses. But what kind of option to choose, decide for yourself. Next, we briefly talk about the most popular.


As you can guess from the name of this service, it is intended for individual entrepreneurs who are on a single tax. Here you can keep track of all income and expenses, as well as create price lists. If necessary, you can print any documents directly from the personal cabinet on the site.

In addition, this resource has the ability to create reports for the tax and the Pension Fund. And if you have electronic digital printing, then you can send these documents online. And you do not have to waste time in queues.

One more advantage – the resource provides the ability to calculate in any currency. Not every site can boast of this.

This service has a trial free period. However, after this, if you decide to continue using the services of the resource, you will have to pay a paid subscription.


The iFin service is also designed specifically for the accounting of personal business. Here you will be able to keep a record of expenses and revenues, prepare reports.

The huge advantage of this service is that it allows you to keep a record no matter what taxation system you are in.

In this case, the resource itself reminds you that it's time to prepare and hand over the documents. Thus, you will not forget anything. In addition, the iFin report is generated automatically, which means that you do not have to spend extra time on it. Also, if you have digital electronic printing, you can send the document to the necessary authority online.

Service has a lot of interesting and useful options. If necessary, you can draw up contracts and other documents. There is also a function that allows you to analyze the activity of the Internet store.

Although to work on iFin will have to pay a paid subscription, but the resource fully justifies itself.


This service is intended for both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. At Taxer, you can systematize the accounting of your online store, make reports, and, if you have an electronic digital signature, send them to the tax and pension fund. The creators of the site promise the reliable protection of your personal information.

The resource allows you to keep records, regardless of the form of registration of the online store.

Immediately you will find all the necessary forms. Just go to the appropriate tab.

Among other things, on Taxer you will find many useful articles on related topics. In the same place you will learn all the innovations and changes in the legislation.

One of the main advantages of the service is that you can use it for free. Of course, the paid profile has more functions and settings. However, if you are just starting up your online store, perhaps you will have enough and a minimum of options.


This service is designed for reporting both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. It has a clear and convenient interface. Especially appreciate this service 1C users.

At the same time, you will be able to systematize the accounting of your business, keep records and generate reports. The site will remind you of the approaching deadlines for submitting reports, and also automatically fill in the documents if necessary.

You can use the service for free, and unlimited time. But it will be a stripped-down version. In order to use the full package of settings and features, you must pay a subscription.


This program is directly installed on the computer. It is suitable for those who want to take into account the most diverse subtleties of their business. However, you will need to fill out all the information blocks and lines. Otherwise, you will not be able to use the rest of the program's features.

The cost of the program is quite high. Therefore, those who just opened their online store or own a small business, it may not be affordable.

However, do not worry, because in these cases, its functionality will be redundant. It is better to find simpler options.


This program also works only after installing it on the computer. Perfect for accounting in a small online store. The program has a minimum of settings, so it will be difficult to get confused. However, for a large business, the functional is likely not enough.

Within a month you can use the demo version. After that, the program will have to be paid for.

IT-Enterprise. Бухгалтерія

Before using the program, it must be installed on the computer. With the help of this software you can keep financial records, make reports, calculate salary for employees and much more. If necessary, all information can be saved in a separate document.

The program has a lot of different settings. This is an excellent option for large businesses, because a novice entrepreneur can get confused in this program..

The program automatically downloads updates to the current legislation of Ukraine. So you do not have to worry about missing important changes. In addition, « IT-Enterprise. Accounting » Without problems, it works with data from other accounting programs. And this, you must agree, is a huge plus.


Without accounting the online store can not do. There are a lot of options on how to do this. At the final choice, remember that the programs that are installed on the computer have many settings, but also are expensive. But the subscription for working on online services will cost several times cheaper. In addition, on such resources, you can always seek help from managers. So decide for yourself which option best suits your needs.

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We are always glad to help your online business,

NeoSeo Team


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