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How do we work in the context of "typical" and "atypical" tasks: everything you need to know to the client before transferring money for services

You-the owner of an Internet store in OpenCart platform? You do not give rest issues of a technical nature site

Dear Clients, yes, we are ready to take your online store on OpenCart (any versions and assemblies) under our full care and provide the full range of services related to its life:

Price in uah
Price in rus

As you can see, we solve any problems!

Cooperating with us, you have the right to work calmly on what you know and do best.Our team invites you to focus on your core business processes, improve interaction with your suppliers and customers-to do business where you will be most effective for your business.Take off all sorts of headaches associated with the next "problems" of your online store.Instead, entrust it to those who do it every day, to those who like to do it and has the appropriate professional knowledge.

And since love for your work always gives juicy fruits, over time we came to the realization that all the tasks described above have their own individual origin, features of manifestation, nuances that generate misunderstanding and conflicts, and accordingly, different solutions (in tons .ch and because of the specifics of different versions and assemblies on CMS OpenCart).All these factors differently affect the necessary time for solving problems, and therefore it is impossible to give the same estimate for all types of assignments.We divided all these tasks into "typical" and "atypical", from which the pricing model is formed.

Conditions for free and paid support

Dear Customers, because we are sure that any Quality work should be paid for, all consultations that require a preliminary preparation of the answer we have paid, incl. and case studies of the type: «look, why is your module not working?, "why did the errors come down here? YOUR module broke my site, fix it all right! и т.д."

Once again an important point - if the answer to the question is ready, You will receive it for free, but if you need to spend time trying to figure out the issue, to study files, to find an error and think before you answer something, ask to pay.

After we introduced an unprecedentedly beneficial system for the Clients with per-minute billing of labor of our specialists, we had to do all the consultations, where a deep immersion of programmers is required paid, since it takes a very long time to qualitative answers, that time, which our programmers could spend on the immediate execution of already paid and waiting in the queue tasks.

Typical-"Fix", Untypical-"In fact"

Typical problems include tasks that are regularly made by our specialists: with understandable baseline data and a preliminary technical task (TOR).For example, install the "fast site map" module, like any other module that does not require integration with external services (these tasks, if the online store was developed here, are at a fixed cost).

To "atypical" are the tasks that concern:

  • individual design developments;
  • individual development work;
  • improvement of individual needs in the work of the program code.

"Untypical" is also considered all the tasks of integration with external services: 1C-Accounting, Bitrix24, Retail CRM, Brain API, etc., because in suchcases, very often "vylazyut" unforeseen circumstances, and therefore are evaluated "from ... hours "And paid for the fact of the time spent.

There are a lot of tasks, the ultimate value of which is based on the number of "hours" spent by experts in their decision, because to do this job for exactly a fixed time-just not possible (for example, to develop a calculator or individually "modify" module).

Another point of misunderstanding about the fulfillment of tasks is based on the creation of a clear TOR (technical task).Usually, from the standpoint of saving, the Client independently issues TOR (often without a technical base and missing important points).In turn, web studio programmers take on the development of the TK that the customer submitted, and in the process of execution it often turns out that:

  • the description of the task does not correspond to its essence;
  • conceptually important details are missing;
  • incidentally there are a number of necessary subtasks, etc.

Therefore sometimes it happens that the programmer starts work, and then it has to be reworked, because the result is no one is happy.

If you put "atypical tasks" at NeoSeo web studio specialists, you should trust us unconditionally and be morally ready to pay more, and sometimes-substantially, since for such tasks very often the "preliminary estimate" proves to be approximate.

This problem in the field of software development (and not only) exists all over the world, so everything works: we plan on the basis of experience, but do not take into account what we do not know, therefore, as a result, it usually takes more time .If you are not ready for such risks-do not contact us, we do not need conversations about the fact that the programmer today "drank a lot of coffee", etc.After all, in case you do not initially trust us,it's better to order services elsewhere.

More details about the process, as we work in the context of"atypical"(non-standard) problems.

For "atypical" tasks (that is not a simple standard service, for example, to install the standard module "fast site map"), we sell the hours of the programmer's work, and do not sound the cost of solving the problem.It is very important that you become aware of this nuance before the transfer of money.

We give a time estimate for you to understand how many hours you need to buy. We give an approximate, tentative estimate of the time required to solve certain problems, based on our own experience (the time spent on performing similar tasks in the past).

But since each project has its own specifics and its peculiarities, among which one can distinguish:

  • different versions and modifications and builds of OpenCart;
  • specific modules from different authors, who often "conflict" with each other in different ways;
  • "Crutches" and "holes", which due to their capabilities and skills left different previous developers;
  • an incorrect technical specification, in which all the components that later affect the time spent on the fact are not written.

Experts of our web studio donotevenpretend to an accurate assessment.We specify the approximate time-this is not the exact time it takes to solve any "atypical" problem.

And once again the most fundamental moments:

- You buy from us the hours of work of a highly qualified Programmer, Designer, Marketer and its replaceability in case of illness, absence, etc.How much he will have time to make for the paid time-all yours.You can always add new requirements and wishes, change the original TK, etc.-no problem, we will do everything to the end, everything will work like a Swiss watch, but the payment, respectively-in fact the time spent.

- We do not give a fixed cost for the solution of the problem, we can give only an approximate estimate of the time that may be required to perform the task, based on the technical task presented by you.If our programmer does not manage to complete the task in estimated time,this is not the reason or reason for demanding the return of already paid funds.At your request, we can inform you about this in advance, and only after confirmation and your consent (payment) we will continue to work on the task.

How is the time spent on the task measured?Do you really count in minutes?

Yes, each task is measured in minutes.Each NeoSeo web studio programmer, when starting the task, includes a special timer that you will see in your personal account-thisisa huge advantage.When he finishes work-he clicks on the "fix time" button.This is the net cost of the hours you bought, everything is accurate and transparent.We do not round out 37 minutes to 1 hour and vice versa: when the task was estimated at 2 hours, and done in 1 hour 33 minutes-you have 27 minutes to complete other tasks for your project.

How the cooperation takes place, the main points:

  • You write the task, start with the word "Evaluation".
  • After the evaluation by our programmer, we bill, you pay for it, and then we put this task in the plan for implementation (usually up to 10 days).
  • Immediately after receiving the payment, we start your project in our system of accounting of tasks, where our account manager indicates the responsible specialist and the date of commencement of work, about which you will receive a notice to the working mail.On a scheduled date, the specialist responsible for your project starts work.
  • Every time our programmer is working on a task, he turns on the timer.After the completion of all work, our system of accounting tasks shows the time spent.The account manager conducts netting, summing up the result, creating an act of completed work.If the prepayment is enough, we close the task, and if not- weissue you an additional account or we ask you to buy more time to complete the task.
  • If in fact the programmer fits into the limits of time, which is fixed in the preliminary assessment,-a task considered to be fulfilled, and the calculation is made on the basis of these "hours".
  • If the programmer makes the task faster, you have enough time to complete other tasks.
  • If the programmer beyond the scope of the preliminary assessment, we will notify you as soon as possible, and only after receiving confirmation-will continue to work.

Information support and consultations of clients

Rule number 1. Any work must be paid for, so all the consultations we have paid, incl.analysis of the situations "look, why is the module not working?".We had to do all the consultations where deep immersion of programmersisrequired-paid, because the quality answers are spent a very long time, the time that our programmers could spend on the immediate execution of already paid and waiting in the queue tasks.You must understand and appreciate the work of our experts, even when they do not write the code directly, because when you ask for advice or assessment, you expect a quality thoughtful response.Our specialist should distract from the work of the "encoder" and switch to the work of a "consultant-expert-appraiser", because you need the answer today, not the day after tomorrow ...

The programmer must learn a variety of factors before he, assuming responsibility, offers you his expert opinion.It is thanks to his experience and the offer on the plate that you can save a considerable amount of money by making more balanced and optimal decisions.You will be prompted what really needs to be done, and what can be done differently, and how it will be better done both cheaper and faster.

Free are:

  • consultation of marketers (up to 15 min.);
  • answers to questions that do not require additional study of the problem by programmers, designers and other professionals.

Rule number 2. Any work we do qualitatively.Therefore, for the time that we will spend to resolve any of your questions that require the preparation of a response, knowledge, experience of specialists-we will ask for a reward.

Rule number 3. We work under a contract with a prepayment.

I have a 10-page TOR-please study, please rate ...

Dear Customers, we do not give an estimate (accurate or even approximate) within the framework of free support, since the study and proposal of a qualitative expert opinion, rather than "shooting at the sparrows", requires a lot of work for the Team.In this case, there are 2 options for continuing our relationship:

  1. You immediately buy30hours of work, and we start to do and solve tasks one after another, without wasting time.
  2. We are working with you on detailed TK to provide an approximate but very close assessment in order to discuss all the nuances at once, but this is at least5hours of our paid work.

Ballad about the"freelancer"or a story about why he again"disappeared"?

Let's say right away, we do not have inspiration from "muddying" competitors, but we will share and tell here a classic case, perhaps not the most favorable way to develop your project.You can find a freelancer who will voice, perhaps, the cost of all works as fixed, but we consider it our duty, at least to notify you of the accompanying risks.Even if it's a clean professional, take into account that in addition to the fact that freelancers have enough objective difficulties (a short comparison with the web studio here, or here https: // neoseo / technical-support), but the fact that just"freelancers"makes"run"and"disappear"from the customer is covered in this nuance.We urge you to clear all your prejudices and understand it.

No one, that's nobody, even the most advanced specialistwho has been programming for 15 years, and OpenCart knows how its 5 fingers can not predict 100%, which we can face in the process of performing the most simple atypical task, and it does not depend on us or from the same"freelancer". So, when the"freelancer"gives inexperienced fixed cost in the context of this type of tasks, and then, in the process, realizes that it takes another 1 hour, and then, transferring the task to the customer, the latter says:"but I wanted to I told you, you did not hear, and then you need to fix the bug, see how ugly, and even here ...", etc., -life for the"freelancer"turns into hell.In the end, such a customer becomes such a"freelancer"simply not beneficial, and, of course, that he begins to avoid contact with him, because for paid $ 150 suddenly have to work 20 and 30 hours, because the TK is formulated incorrectly, and the performer underestimated what can"get out", etc.

Checked 100 times: The customer and the Contractor must agree on everything"ashore" before starting work. And if it turns out that the Contractor needs more time to complete the assignment, the Customer, in most cases, will not agree with this, demanding to do the way he wants and for the same money (of course, suspecting that the Contractor is deceiving him).This is where the"freelancer"begins to get a grief, then"electricity disappears,"then suddenly"There is no Internet", etc.-do not tell us these tales, but it's a fact."Freelancer"already curses this customer, and the one-it, and all because of what?-That's right, due to the fact that an inexperienced freelancer rated the"atypical"task based on the fixed-cost model.

Planning work: do we work according to plan or do we need it very urgently?

We have two types of work: planned and urgent.All tasks, by default, qualify as"planned", we proceed to implement them within 10 days from the date of receipt of payment.

If you have a situation"everything is on fire",we can start the task on the same day or the maximum-the next, but the payment is carried out at a double rate.

Test and local environment.What is it and why is it needed?

Important. Before starting work, so that possible changes in the code do not affect the efficiency of the online store and, ultimately,-for sales, we must necessarily configure the local and test environment.

"Setting up a local environment" is the creation of a local copy of the site or its equivalent for full-fledged work with the code, without affecting the main site. For this you need:

  1. "Raise" the domain on the basis of Apache.
  2. Depending on the required parameters, install the correct version of PHP, ioncube, xdebug.
  3. Create and transfer databases (DB) from the original site.
  4. "Pour" the site locally via FTP.
  5. Create a project in the IDE and git.


This is not a test environment, but a local environment that is intended for the programmer's work.In addition, we "raise" separately and a test site for testing the project together with the Customer.

About Functional Testing

It is important to note that there are simply no basic tests for OpenCart, so testing is carried out either by our programmer, or by a professional tester whose service needs to be paid separately.

According to the standard, after completing the task, our programmer is obliged to conduct mandatory, basic tests and additionally check whether the main functions of the site work: order registration, discounts, etc.The programmer who performs the task checks the operability on an intuitive level: if the module affects such parameters, then all variants of these parameters are checked, but nothing else.For example, the option "carousel hits": it should be correctly displayed, spinning, showing the right products, displaying data, not affecting the other modules on the page.Writing automatic tests in the price is not included and can be sold at an additional cost.

The newly created functionality checked by the Customer and the Contractor is transferred to the working site after written approval by the Customer.

Setting up the local environmentisan additional 3 hours of the programmer's work, which are counted 1 time at the beginning of work on the project.

If you want to save on this, we can not do such work, but in this case there is a big risk that something will stop working.You can refuse these works, and we will work on a "live site" and without tests.In this case, you assume all responsibility for the possible incorrect operation of the site and the associated consequences.

What do you need to start cooperation?

Write to us at mail your task, and also specify:

1. Administrative access to the control panel of the store, for example:


login: admin

password: admin

2. Access to FTP.


port: 21

login: user password: pass

3. Access to the database (also phpmyadmin).


login: mysql

password: mysql

If you have read to the end and share our thoughts, vision and values, we will be happy to see your project in our family.

We are always ready to help the development of your online business!

Team NeoSeo.


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