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Configuration of the module Tracking broken links for the online shop {SEO-Shop}, OpenCart 2.x, 3.x, ocStore

  1. Module installation “NeoSeo Tracking non-existent pages”

To install the module “NeoSeo Tracking non-existent pages” should:

  1. Go to admin panel and click on “Extras”->”Modules”:
  2. In the list of modules for OpenCart that opens, select “NeoSeo Track non-existent pages” and click on the “Install” button:
  3. Go to the "Add-ons" -> "Add-ons Manager" section and click on the "Update" button in the window that opens.

This completes the installation of the module and you can proceed to editing the module settings.

  1. Editing module settings

To edit the module’s settings, go to the site’s administrative panel and select the “Add-ons” -> ”Modules” section. In the list of modules that opens, select “NeoSeo Track non-existent pages” and click on the “Edit” button:

After that, the window for editing module settings will appear on the screen:

The “Settings” tab is used to configure the following parameters:

Status. This field is intended to enable / disable the module:

This module also has a filter and a table with query tracking results. To do this, go to “System” -> “Tools” -> “Non-existent pages”.

  • Table. The table has the following columns:
  • Date of. Query dates are displayed here;
  • IP It displays the IP server on which the request was made;
  • Browser The browser (type and version of OC) from which the request was executed is displayed here;
  • Referer. The address of the resource from where the request was executed is displayed here.
  • The requested page. This displays the request itself that was made.

The table can be sorted by a specific column, both ascending and descending.

2. Filter. The filter has the following fields:

  • Date of. Here it is necessary to select the date of requests of interest:
  • IP Here it is necessary to enter the IP of interest of the server from which the requests are received:
  • Browser Here you need to enter the browser of interest, type and OS version:
  • Referer. Here you need to enter the server address of interest from which the requests are received:
  • The requested page. Here you need to enter the query of interest:

After the data have been entered, you need to click on the “Filter” button:

The result of the module filter:

It is also recommended that you use this module with the “NeoSeo Redirect Manager” module. Using the module “NeoSeo Redirect Manager”, you can register on which page to lead the visitor.

After installing the “NeoSeo Redirect Manager” module, the query table will look like this:

In order to add a redirect, you must click on the button “Add redirect”:

After that, a form will open where you can specify the redirect link and the period of time the link was active:

After saving the form, the query table displays that “Redirect has been added”:


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