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Goods from China: Legal Trading Methods

Do you want to learn effective methods of trading? Many entrepreneurs have secrets of successful implementation associated with low purchase prices of goods from China. Apply new experience with the materials of our article.

The realization of goods in the network is gaining momentum nowadays. This is probably the fastest and most effective way to make a purchase. First of all, it is convenient: without departing from your workplace and without wasting time, you can review thousands of offers, compare prices and choose the product that suits you best.

Popularity of goods from China

Increasingly, the market can be seen a variety of goods from China. The reasons for their distribution on our market are several, but the most important is the low purchase price. It is thanks to the cheapness of goods that entrepreneurs provide themselves a good profit, because the net earnings are often 100, and sometimes even 200%. Also, do not forget about the "price-quality" ratio. One and the same product can cost differently, but the higher its price, the more likely it will be. Thus, a lot of Chinese products can make a worthy competition to goods from European brands.

If you seriously think about how to start selling Chinese products in our market, first of all you need to find the answers to the questions:

  • How to make such a trade legal?
  • What documents need to be provided to the tax service in order to protect themselves from possible problems?
  • Which of China's trading platforms is best for doing business, and what should I look for first?

How to sell goods legally from China?

To make a purchase with a view to resale, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. When concluding a transaction with a Chinese entrepreneur, you need to make sure that this seller has the appropriate certificates confirming the quality of the goods.
  2. All goods that are imported into the country for the purpose of their further implementation must pass customs clearance. Also, relevant fees are being drawn.
  3. All products must be issued certificates of conformity. These are the documents confirming the conformity of the quality of the goods with the requirements of the technical regulations or contract terms.

With the above listed it becomes clear that in order to work legally and not to violate the law, you need documents. If you buy goods for yourself, it does not matter in what quantities, but, most importantly, not with the purpose of resale, then, of course, you do not need documents. But if you buy a product for the purpose of selling it, you need to think about responsibility.

China's trading floors with which you can conduct business

Let's first look in more detail at the list of Chinese sites, where you can choose the goods for further implementation, and then return to the issue of legalization of business.

So, the most important and most famous is the AliExpress trading platform. On its website are hundreds of thousands of products of different categories and, accordingly, different price offers. Delivery of goods from this site is carried out up to 60 days, it is possible to directly contact the seller to clarify all the details you are interested in. If you do not receive your purchase on time or the quality of the goods does not match the description, you can open a dispute and demand a refund.

In second place boldly located site, where you can also buy goods both in retail and wholesale. The site also presents products of various categories, ranging from clothing and digital technology, ending with goods for the home and accessories for the holiday. The big disadvantage of this site is that the description of the goods is only in Chinese, so you will have to make a translation yourself.

Another famous site is He favorably differs from the previous ones in that the seller must be a legal entity and have all the necessary documents and certificates.

Marketplace is designed for large and medium-sized wholesale. In this regard, the prices on this site are cheaper than the above. A huge disadvantage is that each seller has his own conditions for the transaction.

There are also such trading platforms as 360 and They can also easily make purchases, but they are less popular among buyers.

Summarizing, we can safely say that the Chinese market is full of a variety of goods, the cost of which is much less than the cost of similar products in our market. This is a good opportunity for successful entrepreneurs to start their own business by trading in the conditions of our market economy.

Ways to do business with China

Buying goods from Aliexpress, Taobao and other sites for your own use, you do not violate anything. But if you buy lots of goods for the purpose of their further implementation, therefore, you act illegally. So what should you do if you want to conduct your business honestly?

Option one: buy the product through intermediaries who have followed all instructions for obtaining quality certificates. It will cost a little more than buying directly from China, but will save you from many formalities.

Option two: if you do not wish to cooperate with intermediaries, you can always turn to professionals for help. Today, there are many companies that have an established strategy of working with many Chinese, as well as European suppliers. They offer assistance in:

  • registration of securities for cargo insurance,
  • crossing the border,
  • registration of quality certificates.

Such companies operate openly and give guarantees of the legality of their actions.

Option three: the purchase of goods on Chinese websites and the subsequent sale of them as second-hand goods. Thus, you do not violate the law, because you sell a thing that does not fit you. Build your business on the trade of Chinese goods is quite real. But it is worth considering the fact that for real money you need to invest a lot of money first.

Chinese goods: how best to buy

Undoubtedly, it's impossible to earn big money without preliminary investments, because most Chinese websites work on 100% prepayment. Of course, this is a risk. Especially if you order the product for the first time, and the seller has not checked by you personally. It is worth paying attention to the number of deals made with this seller and his rating on the site.

And remember: independent import is completely unprofitable if you work with small lots of goods.

How to sell products online

Undoubtedly, it is quite common to sell goods through social networks, for example, Instagram and Facebook. Over time, when the business starts to bring a good profit, it is worth considering your own online store. But for its worthy functioning it is also necessary to invest in advertising and quality promotion.

The team of programmers and Internet marketers of NeoSeo web studio will be happy to assist you in resolving these issues: we will bring many potential customers to your online store and provide sales! We will also develop a strategy for the successful further promotion of your online store.

Possible difficulties

Difficulties appear in any business, and you need to be ready for this. As for cooperation with China's trading floors, they can be the following:

  1. You made a payment, but there is no goods. With this, most often beginners are entrepreneurs who have not yet found responsible suppliers.
  2. There is a risk of getting spoiled goods. The supplier will accuse the transport company of everything, it is the supplier, and you will remain with nothing.
  3. Probably the biggest danger is the discrepancy between the goods shown in the photo. It is almost impossible to insure against this. The only way out is to go for the goods to China independently.

Which goods from China are most in demand

In the first place, of course, clothes and equipment. But apart from them, there are many more categories of goods that you should pay attention to. Among them are the following:

  • products of famous brands. It can be accessories, perfume. If you implement the sale, then the earnings can reach up to 500%. For example, charms for a bracelet Pandora: their cost in our country is from 40 to 90 dollars, and in China, a high-quality replica costs up to $ 10;
  • cosmetic means: carcasses, foundation creams, gel-varnishes;
  • toys for children;
  • cases for mobile phones;
  • small disposable goods: napkins, plastic utensils, hygiene products.

All that is required of you will be determined with the category of goods that you will implement, small financial investments and the desire to work.


For successful and, most importantly, legal business for business with China, it is worth following the following scheme:

  1. Buy the product you need from a supplier who can provide all invoices and quality certificates.
  2. The goods must necessarily be declared and paid the state duty.
  3. To issue certificates of conformity for imported products.

The success of the business is influenced by the ability to find the running product and evaluate its profitability, calculate the final cost of the product, taking into account all costs. Also, the ability to find profitable and reliable suppliers and sales skills in the sales market plays a huge role here.

Business, organized on goods from China, is a good starting point for further work in this area. It is quite possible to earn enough to resell goods from China, you just need to seriously study this issue, evaluate all the risks and try to get around them. Typical mistakes beginners entrepreneurs are: the lack of a business idea, fear of failure and unwillingness learns new things.

Finally, we want to give you some tips on how to work with Chinese suppliers:

  1. Always check the reputation of suppliers.
  2. Enter into contracts for the supply of goods.
  3. Communicate personally with the sellers.
  4. In advance, discuss the terms of return or exchange of goods.
  5. Constantly monitor the market, looking for more profitable offers.

If you decide to open an online store that specializes in selling Chinese products, our marketers and designers will realize all your ideas, and NeoSeo programmers will provide technical support at all stages of the work. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.

NeoSeo wishes you good results!


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