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How to quickly select keywords for a site using online services?

Do you want your online store or another web resource to quickly move to the top of the search engines? Then you probably know that for this each of its pages should be optimized for specific search requests.

So, in this article we will consider:

  • What are keywords?
  • What are the online services for the selection of key queries?
  • What's the difference between Keyword Planner and Yandex.Wordstat?
  • How to get started with Keyword Planner?
  • how to get started with Yandex.Wordstat?
  • how to extend the list of keywords?
  • caveats in optimizing pages.

What are keywords?

Keywords are queries that users search for search engines to retrieve information.

Those pages that correspond to the necessary queries and have the correct content, search engines will be considered more meaningful, which means - to raise them up to the top-10. That is why this issue should be given enough attention.

If before you there is a purpose - to advance Internet shop in the top, for you optimization of each existing and created page under keywords becomes necessary. This will enable potential customers to access the page of the web resource for a specific request. Optimizing pages is a prerequisite for modern search engines in the successful search engine promotion. Otherwise, your place will be taken by competitors.

This task is quite complicated and requires a professional approach, therefore, often, it is transferred to work for specialists. Specialists of web-studio NeoSeo will help to optimize your Internet-shop at search promotion.

However, there are situations when the customer wants to independently promote themselves ... In this case, online help for the selection of keywords will be necessary.

What are the online services for selecting key queries?

Depending on which search engine you choose keywords for, the following tools are used:

  • Google AdWords: Keyword Planner;
  • Yandex.Wordstat.

Note that these sources are used by almost all known descipt programs.

What are the differences between Keyword Planner and Yandex.Wordstat?

The Google Keyword Planner is an absolutely free tool that makes it possible to compile a list of keywords obtained from the requested key. With it, you can also get more advanced information on the search query:

  1. additional phrases;
  2. change in demand for seasons;
  3. recommended cost per click, etc.

Yandex.Wordstat shows statistics based on its search engine. The tool shows not only the requested keywords, but also one more column that displays similar search queries. This search engine is mainly used in the CIS countries, so you can specify the country or city for which you want to optimize the page or the entire site.

How to get started with Keyword Planner?

1. Registration. To access this tool, you need to register at To do this, you must have a registered mail in Gmail.

2. Search for keywords.

After successful registration, you will see a menu that contains the item "Search for new keywords by phrase, site or category." After clicking on the link, you will go to the form that you need to fill out correctly. Pay special attention to the following marks:

  • the main word of the group;
  • language of search;
  • the desired country for site optimization;
  • search engine;
  • words that should not be displayed (for example, if a user searches for a bed in Lviv, he will not be interested in sites selling beds in Kazakhstan);
  • refinement of the keyword filter;
  • Definition with variations of keywords.

3. Results. Then press the "Get variants" button. Before you open a tablet containing all the requested information.

By browsing the functional, you can select the most necessary requests for promotion:

  • variants of keywords (reduces the width of word output);
  • negative keywords (a filter that filters out unnecessary queries);
  • View statistics for specific cities and mobile devices.

4. Options and filters. The "Keyword Variations" tab allows you to view detailed information for each of the received queries. You can find out their frequency, the cost of a click and how many competitors they use.

The download option allows you to get the entire list of keywords in the desired resolution of the document.

To enable the filter, you just need to click on the "Keyword Filter" option, which is located in the "Search Parameters" column.

If you find unclear information, you can hover over the mouse to refine the information about the item of interest.

Keyword Planner is a universal service that can really make it much easier to search for key queries for a site promoted primarily through Google.

How to get started with Yandex.Wordstat?

This tool is also free, but its work is aimed at working with the search service Yandex.

1. Registration. Register the account in the Yandex system, and then click on the link: .

2. Selection of words. Before you open the panel in which you can enter a search query, and then you need to click the "Pick up" button.

After that you will get the data of the keywords in the statistics for this query. On the left you will receive data on request and similar keys, and on the right - extended keywords searched by users in Yandex.

3. Filters. You can filter the information received for a specific region, region, city.

4. "History of requests". With this option you can see how the popularity of the request varies depending on the season.

Note that Yandex.Wordstat opens statistics only on the key query and its word forms. To get more accurate information, you need to use special operators:

  • <">> - data on the phrase frequency;
  • <!> - data on the exceptional frequency.

How to expand the list of keywords?

We will reveal to you one more little secret of optimization of a site - expansion of the received list of keywords. For this, search tips are used. This is the data that is displayed in the drop-down prompts of the search line. Thus, you can quickly expand your semantic kernel.

Pay attention to the block, located under the top queries - "along with this search." Here you will also find a lot of useful information for expanding the list of keywords.

Here are some simple online services for searching for keywords, work with which is very simple and does not take much time to optimize the pages.

Cautions in page optimization

Pay attention to the fact that search engines are "smart enough", so incorrect use of keywords can play a cruel joke with you. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully study the requirements of each of the search engines and do not overdo the optimization of the page.

Remember that in the pursuit of top positions, many site owners forget about the main thing - their visitors. It does not matter if you fill the site with selling content or informative - it should be written and created, first of all, for people, not search engines. For example, in Yandex there are specialists who manually check the pages of top sites, and, if there is oversampling, or re-optimization, they can send the site to the ban. Therefore, always dose the number of keywords used.

We are happy to answer all your questions - please leave your comments. NeoSeo team wishes successful promotion of your web resource on search queries!


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