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How to register a test site in a host? View a site that is under development

Until the completion of work on your site, it will not be available for viewing to all visitors. It will be available only to those who directly register the ip address of the site in the system settings and now we will tell how this can be done.
You need to enter the network address (IP) and domain name in the hosts file located on drive C: in the Windows / System32 / drivers / etc folder

You open the hosts file using notepad:

And at the bottom of the hosts file, enter the data you receive from our account manager by mail
For example: and save changes

In 99% of cases, this is enough, but if after making changes in the file, you cannot get to the server, you may need to update the browser's DNS cache and the system.
In order to clear the DNS in chrome you need to do the following:
Enter chrome: // net-internals / # dns in the address bar of the browser

and click on the Clear host cache clear button.

After clearing your cache, enter chrome: // net-internals / # sockets into your browser’s address bar

and click on the Flush socket pools button.

To clear the DNS cache in the Windows operating system, you need to do the following:
Go to the Windows command prompt (Press the key combination on the Win + R keyboard and in the appeared window type

press Enter and type ipconfig / flushdns there
(In the Windows command line, you cannot insert any text using the keyboard, this can only be done using the right mouse button)

After which the DNS system will also be reset.
If you have a different browser or operating system, opening the site through a window in incognito mode can help you.
We hope this information was helpful. If you have any questions or have unresolved problems, you can always contact our experts.
Regards, NeoSeo Team