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How to create a gift certificate in the admin panel of the website for the online shop {SEO-Shop}, OpenCart 2.x, 3.x, ocStore?

A gift certificate is not only a profitable way to sell your products and services, but also a way to attract new customers. Since the gift certificate can the person who never heard about THEM, and as the services are paid, they must take advantage.

How it works: You create different kinds of gift certificates, then the certificate is purchased by a customer of the shop and sent to another customer by e-mail individually. Get a gift certificate, the customer can use it to purchase goods in Your THEM.

Include gift certificates to the list of modules in the "Include in order"

Go to edit the module "loyalty Program" and select the status Enabled sort order is set larger than that of the module "Intermediate result", but less than the module total. For example put 2, and then "Save".

To use certificate to the buyer, you need to select the "Use certificate" box in the checkout and enter the code. The buyer can make a purchase for an amount which is greater than the cost of the certificate, paying only the difference amount.

In order to create a gift certificate, you need to go to the "Sales" / "Certificates" / "Certificate Topics" section in the admin panel of your IM site.

To add a new certificate topic, click the "+" button. Here we fill in the “Topic Title” field and click the “Save” button.


In order to add a gift certificate, you need to go to the "Sales" / "Certificates" / "Certificates" section in the admin panel of your IM's site.

To add a certificate, click the "+" button. Here we fill in the fields "Code", "Sender's Name", "Sender's E-Mail", "Recipient's Name", "Recipient's E-Mail", "Message", and click the "Save" button.

After we have created the necessary certificate, select it from the list and click the "Send" button.

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