Coming soon, fast templates with an unlimited number of modules for 1 UAH/order

The advantages of our SEO-store in comparison with the standard ("bare") OpenCart

The creation of a selling site begins with the choice of the "engine", that is, the so-called CMS (content management system), and, if still more specific, it all depends on the so-called. "Build" based on any CMS.

It is from the content management system that the appearance of the resource largely depends, as well as on what opportunities it will have in terms of promotion and which schemes and algorithms will interact with search engines, store managers, administration and, most importantly, buyers.

The difference between the original OpenCart and collections based on it

Do not follow the path of least resistance - or is it worth it?

Today, entrepreneurs and top managers, ordering the development of an online store for their company, most often prefer ready-made software products, incl. and "bare" solutions on OpenCart. Of course, they do not make this choice on their own, but listen to the advice of pseudo-IT experts who understand little about Internet marketing.

Obviously, entrepreneurs who are poorly versed in web development and the intricacies of online marketing are forced to turn to programmers for help in solving issues on this plane, but is this always true? Maybe you should sort it out yourself?

Let's try to explain what's what ... There is a free development with open source code called OpenCart and which is essentially a "dummy", a launch pad for many developers who use it as a kernel. From this "raw" basis, which, to be honest, has many "minuses", it is necessary:

  • or design a worthwhile software product from scratch;
  • or take an already optimized, professional-developed software solution, fully adapted for later promotion.

What do you choose?

It's easy to understand what the recommendations of "IT people" are for taking the "bare" OpenCart, because later they will earn on many of its improvements, so that it somehow resembled a modern online store. For them, OpenCart is the simplest and most economical option, requiring a minimum of resources and labor for the project from the specialist.

And what about the interests of the customer? Perhaps, he will be deceived in some way, when he simply has no time to understand the question, is forced to trust an "experienced" professional? Taki, yes, so it is! And we will prove this to you easily.

Let's conduct a comparative analysis between the "bare" solution of OpenCart and the SEO-shop, which created for its Clients web studio NeoSeo.

After reading the facts below, you will see that our OpenCart-based software solution is much more efficient and user-friendly than thousands of clone stores developed by other studios.

The problems of the "bare" OpenCart

First, let's look at the main shortcomings of this popular platform, which are clearly manifested in the so-called "bare" or original assembly, which you can potter on the official site

This is important, because it is about this version of OpenCart is fierce fighting politicians on the Internet, and it is in this form of trying to "drown" the competition. So, what, in fact, in the "naked", free OpenCart done "crooked"?

Problems in the original OpenCart

The negative sides are those

  1. It is difficult to add new functions for different versions. Yes, there are many different modules for this CMS. However, it is really difficult to monitor the compatibility of modules with a specific version of OpenCart, used on your site. In addition, the process of installing and uninstalling additional functions here is quite inconvenient, it is always necessary to involve the developer. And on other free CMS is not it?
  2. Difficulties in updating. On the one hand, updating the content management system is necessary. On the other hand - after its version changes, unexpected plugins can unexpectedly fail, which will negatively affect the work of the entire site. If you do not update the CMS, then there may be hacking, gradually the web-resource begins to lag behind competing portals, which will become faster, more convenient, easier and more efficient.

Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that the online store on OpenCart will have to constantly reconfigure or even replace the plug-ins after the updates. This involves additional complexity. If there is only one programmer in the staff of your enterprise, it is quite possible that in the event of such an emergency, you will have to spend money on the services of outside specialists. And on other CMS is not it? Do you really believe that everyone else is perfect from the first time, even if Windows constantly finds vulnerabilities in its software and level them with regular "updates"?

  1. An inconvenient visual editor. Content managers, portal administrators and other internal CMS users who do not have a profile education will find it rather difficult to understand the features of the system. In addition, periodically this editor creates extra code himself, which, in turn, complicates the work of IT-specialists, makes the site more heavy-handed and worsens its indexing by search engines. And on other CMS is not it? You met something absolutely free and perfect.
  2. The function of loading pictures is inconvenient. You can not upload images to the gallery with at least a few packages. Everything must be sent to the site in turn. In this case, images are sorted only in random order. Over time, such files become too much, because of what to look among them what you need, it becomes extremely problematic. And this inevitably happens with all online stores, the assortment of which is initially very wide, and moreover always continuously supplemented with new positions. And, often the expansion is so fast that managers do not have time to delete old cards of goods and images to them. And because of the complex search, it is simply impossible to remove superfluous photos from OpenCart quickly. As a result, everything is postponed until later, and the web resource, after all, is overloaded with a huge amount of extra content.
    Again, all these issues are solved in the SEO-shop from NeoSeo. Web studio programmers created a special software solution for OpenCart, which removes all unused pictures.
  3. There is no possibility to set the automatic prescription of the CNC.

In this CMS, the CNC is manually set each time you edit already added products or "fill in" new positions. In addition, there are problems with the installation of new templates. Since OpenCart has a rather complex code structure, changing the template can cause malfunctioning of individual modules and the entire portal. And the correction of these mistakes will take a certain amount of time, which, of course, goes against trade.

It's also worth noting that users of this CMS are faced with the following problem: the product page closes after you press the save key. And this happens every time someone tries to make any changes to the position description (or to its meta tags). But in order to avoid malfunctions, it is more expedient to save the edited page as often as possible. But in the case of OpenCart after saving, you always have to search again for the right product and open it.

Finally, this "engine" is inconvenient in that it offers buyers to fill too many fields when placing an order. And, these fields are broken into spoilers. And you can not change this without adjusting the system itself at the technical level. We solved all these problems in the SEO-shop!

What you will get by applying for the development of an online store on the core of OpenCart in NeoSeo

The online stores that the NeoSeo web studio creates {SEO-shops} are deprived of all the above-described and many other shortcomings. Even working with OpenCart, any intelligent developer can supplement its standard code with solutions that completely level out the impact of all the negative factors. The main thing is to understand what should happen on the way out so that the Internet store sells, because the "bare" OpenCart does not cope with this task.

The difference between the SEO store and the original OpenCart

NeoSeo specialists will create for you an excellent selling site, which, among other advantages, combines the following advantages:

  • Effective tools for promoting positions in the issuance of popular search engines (generator of CNC and meta-data, the fastest site map, robots.txt generator, seo-blog, seo-filter, seo-structure, search and removal of broken links).
  • Full internal technical optimization, including removal of problems with incorrect movement, facet search, Hreflang implementation, page loading speed and many other aspects of the site operation.
  • Creation of a secure https protocol that will protect the personal data of users and administrators of the Internet store from hacker interception.
  • Adaptive design, fully reflecting the specifics, goals and objectives of your business, ensuring the maximum conversion of traffic from all types of devices, attracting the attention of buyers, pushing for the registration of the order.
  • Many useful functions that make the process of interaction with the site simple and enjoyable not only for customers, but also for employees of your online store, as well as for you as the owner.

Of course, this is just a short list of advantages of our solution - the SEO-store based on OpenCart, a full list of its advantages - in the corresponding section.

The main purpose of this article is to tell about the "naked" OpenCart, which is often confused with everything that is based on it. After all, the main thing is that it is not the original CMS, but the intellectual potential of those people who know how to make a statue of David from a "blank". And do not stress on the disadvantages of the "bare" OpenCart, because this is a free platform. On its basis, able and thinking professionals create real-selling online stores for moderate money. We believe that our portfolio and 54% of the market of all online stores in the CIS will be worthy proofs. So, - contact us!

Always glad to help the development of your online business,

Team NeoSeo.


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