This module works on OpenCart 3.0
If you need a module for version 1.5.x-2.x - please, here you are
The owners of online stores probably do not like two things: the lack of sales and routine manual filling of the online shop goods. If to solve the first problem you need to make quite a lot of effort, then the second problem is not such if you use the module “Import of goods from YML” from the web-Studio NeoSeo. Our software solution, as is clear, allows you to import products to Your online store from the price the vendor file format .yml.
The module allows you to do everything quickly and in one place, and this is especially important if you are working with several suppliers. You can also set the individual settings of the transfer of goods for each supplier.
Import files can be produced in any chosen category of online store. Additionally, you can configure the margin of goods and the choice of currency in which the goods, prior to importing, which is very convenient.
The module automatically generates the CNC for the item card when loading the site from the YML file, but also allows you to choose the type of formation of the NC using the tag import or system formation.
You can not only download the new products, but also to update the information found on the site. Each item in the price list of the supplier, there is a unique article. When loading the goods, the module checks whether there is on the website of the product with the same SKU. If a match is found, you will be able, if necessary, to update information about this product, but if no match is found, the module will create a new item on your website.
You will be able to update:
- Product name
- Product description
- Product attributes
- Product photos
- Brand
- Price
- Category (if you need to update the items from the selected categories)
- Model
- Metadata
The advantages of the module “Import of goods from YML” for online stores on OpenCart v. 3.0 v and ocStore. 3.0:
- the possibility of cooperation with several suppliers
- individual setting of the transfer of goods for each supplier
- specify the margins for goods imported
- specify the currency in which the product will be presented in the online shop
- automatic generation of CNC for commodity cards
- the choice of the method of forming CNC
- update products without much effort
- the ability to specify the status of products in stock available in the system (in stock, out of stock, archive)
Let's think logically — the faster you load the goods on your website, the faster you will start to sell them. Do not forget that your provider can also cooperate with your competitors, and so it is important to load the goods on your website first, so that the search engines have indexed first Your website. Execute the license for the module and you will get not only an advantage in the speed of loading of the goods over the competition, but also easy job for themselves.
Please also note that the module has high resource requirements, which depend on the number of products in your online store. Make sure that the values of variables max_execution_time and memory_limit installed on your hosting, it is enough for the operation of this module. Recommended before purchase module to take a test license.
Discussion, questions and answers, support for module Imports from YML for OpenCart in this thread on the forum:
- Supports only YML format;
- It supports several modes of operation, which means that you can make unique settings for the prices of each supplier;
- Automatic creation of new positions, based on the price list;
- The ability to update existing positions, while the administrator can independently configure what information about the product must be updated;
- Works both in manual mode and offline;
You can purchase extended module support, which includes:
- installing and configuring the module on your site;
- adapting / styling the module to your template;
- 2 hours of the programmer for individual modifications of the module, which you can use for 365 days.
Extended support cost: from $ $49.
To order extended support or clarify details, write to our
System requirements: PHP 5.3 - 7.1 ocmod
* For PHP 7.3 you need to take modules for PHP 7.2 and test on
site (they work in most cases)
ioncube loader: 6.0 and higher
OpenCart: 3.0
License type: One domain
Activation method: automatically upon purchase or on request by mail
How to get module files and permanent license in 5 minutes
- 1
Add the module to the cart, enter the data, place an order and pay online with a bank card
- 2
We will send a confirmation to the specified email (please check the folder "SPAM")
- 3
Log in to your account:
- 4
Choose a section "Purchases" (view)
- 5
Download the latest version of the module files here. (view)
- 6
Download the license of the module here (view)
- 7
Install the module according to the order described below
- Не устанавливайте модуль на рабочий сайт не имея на руках ключа Лицензии в т.ч. и тестовой, бесплатной, которая выдается на 14 дней. Устанавливайте самые свежие дистрибутивы, которые Вы получите вместе с ключом лицензии.
- Распакуйте и загрузите ключ в корень сайта, рядом с robots.txt.
- Если у вас правильно настроен и подключен ftp, то:
- Установите архив целиком через Дополнения / Установка расширений.
- Если же OpenCart настроен некорректно, то делаем это вручную:
- Распакуйте архив с модулем и загрузите содержимое папки upload на сайт.
- Если в архиве есть файл install.xml, его переименовываете в install.ocmod.xml и загружаете через Дополнения / Установка расширений.
- Нажмите кнопку "Обновить" на страничке "Дополнения / Модификаторы".
- Установите модуль посредством меню "Дополнения / Модули".
- Установите права на просмотр модуля нужным пользователям.
- Если в процессе установки возникли проблемы, пишите на
- Распакуйте архив с модулем и загрузите содержимое папки upload на сайт.
- Перейдите в настройки модуля и выполните сохранение настроек.
- Обновите модификаторы.