Coming soon, fast templates with an unlimited number of modules for 1 UAH/order

How to disable administrator sms-notifications in the “SMS Informer” module?

How to disable administrator sms-notifications in the “SMS Informer” module?

How to disable administrator sms-notifications in the “SMS Informer” module?

How to fill in the login \ password \ sender for "" in the settings of the "SMS Informer" module for SMS gateway?

How to fill in the login \ password \ sender for "" in the settings of the "SMS Informer" module for SMS gateway?

How to fill in the login \ password \ sender for "" in the settings of the "SMS Informer" module for SMS gateway?

Is it possible to link the SMS to the type of payment when working with the module for an online store on OpenCart, ocStore?

Is it possible to link the SMS to the type of payment when working with the module for an online store on OpenCart, ocStore?

To the type of payment is not binding. The only reference to the status of your order. But You can create the order status "awaiting payment" card, for example. In the settings of payment method to choose this status. And in the settings of the module “SMS widget“ to customize ..

Is it possible to install the module for the online store and work without Vqmod in ocstore

Is it possible to install the module for the online store and work without Vqmod in ocstore

Yes, but it's the job of the module “SMS widget“ is possible only in the case if You add some code to the required files manually.

Is it possible to send SMS only to certain groups of customers when working with the module for an online store on OpenCart, ocStore?

Is it possible to send SMS only to certain groups of customers when working with the module for an online store on OpenCart, ocStore?

Support sending messages to specific groups in the module “SMS widget“ was missing. If necessary, you can modify this feature for You.

Why when ordering on the website is not get the SMS nor the administrator nor the buyer when working with a module for an online store on OpenCart, ocStore?

Why when ordering on the website is not get the SMS nor the administrator nor the buyer when working with a module for an online store on OpenCart, ocStore?

The main points that you need to check: What happens in the logs module “SMS informer“. This logging must be enabled on the tab Logs. To check the filled in templates to send. Have you included the crossing. E. to notify the client when there is no marker to notify.

Which file you need to download and install for Opencart and php 5.4 for the normal operation of the module in the online store?

Which file you need to download and install for Opencart and php 5.4 for the normal operation of the module in the online store?

In order to download and install the file for module “SMS widget“ , you need

Integration of an SMS module-widget module New Mail API for an online store on OpenCart, ocStore

Integration of an SMS module-widget module New Mail API for an online store on OpenCart, ocStore

How to pass the number of the Declaration, which is formed by using the module "New Mail API" in the sms message?

Module SMS widget for the online store {SEO-Shop}, OpenCart 2.x, 3.x, ocStore configured but messages are not sent

Module SMS widget for the online store {SEO-Shop}, OpenCart 2.x, 3.x, ocStore configured but messages are not sent

You have installed the module and configured it according to the installation instructions of the module, but the messages never come to You on your mobile phone?

Module setup "SMS informer" for an online store on OpenCart, ocStore for

Module setup "SMS informer" for an online store on OpenCart, ocStore for

Let's take a look at configuring SMS Widget for example  

How to send a message using the module for an online store on OpenCart, ocStore

How to send a message using the module for an online store on OpenCart, ocStore

The module provides a programmatic interface for sending messages to buyers and administrators.

How to use the note to the order in the SMS template when working with the module for an online store on OpenCart, ocStore

How to use the note to the order in the SMS template when working with the module for an online store on OpenCart, ocStore

To ensure that the contents of the field "comments to order" was sent in the SMS message to the client, you must use {status_comment}.

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 (1 Pages)