After installing the synchronization module between 1C: Enterprise and the online store, an error is displayed on OpenCart
Is there a quantitative presence in the warehouses in the product card when using the synchronization module between 1C: Enterprise and OpenCart?
How to set up synchronization between 1C: Enterprise and the online store on OpenCart, without using an article?
Is bilateral synchronization possible when using the exchange module between 1C: Enterprise and the online store on OpenCart?
How, using the module "Exchange with 1C: Enterprise", you can track new products, if you disconnect the binding to categories?
When using the module “data Sharing” the correct display of residues on the product on display, we guarantee only the default theme. If You need to display the balances of the warehouses in the item card, then You need to adjust file modification for Your theme. If not, You can remove fr..
When working on the module “data Sharing” if clearing the folder will not be dropped during the exchange, there should be no problems. Otherwise, the upgrade can go incorrect, because the file can not be found in the directory.
Need in the module “data Sharing” add 2 request in this box:
А именно:
update oc_product set status = 0 where quantity = 0;
update oc_product set status = 1 where quantity > 0;
Does the module have an automatic exchange mode?
In the module “data Sharing” disable add new block upgrade price if you don't need it, and put sync only on the article.
In order to disable the items in the module “data Sharing”, in the SQL query, after loading register "UPDATE oc_product SET status = 0 WHERE quantity < 1
Standard CommerceML2 unloading in this article is not unloaded. If necessary, can modify this field for You, completion of 2 hours
The module “data Sharing” works with any version of 1C:Enterprise, which is a module sharing sites Protocol CommerceML2
You have installed the module and configured it according to the installation instructions of the module, but the messages never come to You on your mobile phone?
Instructions for setting up synchronization on the side of the system Moysklad.
Showing 46 to 60 of 81 (6 Pages)