Coming soon, fast templates with an unlimited number of modules for 1 UAH/order

The tracking module source order for OpenCart 3.0

Version 25

Number of sales: 322

Price: 400 грн. (discounts for webmasters)

This module runs on OpenCart 3.0.

If you need a module for versions 1.5.x– 2.x - please, here you are

Module information
Immediately after placing the order, you can download the license and module files in the Dashboard

To attract a new audience to the online shop will need the use of multiple sources of advertising. Each of them will require investment of not only money but also time, so it's important to know which source is working effectively, and some spending money in vain. This will help the module “NeoSeo Source of order”.

Its main task is the monitoring of the transitions of the client before ordering. You will be able to track referrals from:

  • search engines (Google, Yandex, etc.);
  • ads contextual advertising;
  • social networking;
  • recommended links (for example, the client threw the link friends);
  • saved bookmarks.

Receiving this information, You will be able to more efficiently evaluate the performance of their sales and promotion, as well as to invest in advertising sources. The result is a significant savings and feasibility of each investment.



Discussion, questions and answers, support module Source order for OpenCart in this thread on the forum:

Additional module benefits
  1. View transition sources.
  2. The ability to display only the domain of the source.
  3. Setting the retention of information after the first client transition.
  4. Determining the time of storage of information after the last visit.
  5. Definition of robots and their blocking.

You are buying:

License cost:
Price: 400 грн. (discounts for webmasters)
(+2 reward points)


Module license:

Free[all functions are provided]

Total to pay:

[ on 1 domain, unlimited, updates for free ]

Free[all functions are provided]

Enter data:

Extended Support

You can purchase extended module support, which includes:

  • installing and configuring the module on your site;
  • adapting / styling the module to your template;
  • 2 hours of the programmer for individual modifications of the module, which you can use for 365 days.

Extended support cost: from $ $49.

To order extended support or clarify details, write to our Telegram chat.

System Requirements

System requirements: PHP 5.3 - 7.2, ocmod 

* For PHP 7.3 you need to take modules for PHP 7.2 and test on
site (they work in most cases)

ioncube loader: 6.0 and higher

OpenCart: 3.0

License Type: One Domain

Activation method: automatically upon purchase or upon request by mail

Try it for free!
We give everyone a trial license for 14 days!

How to get module files and permanent license in 5 minutes

  • 1

    Add the module to the cart, enter the data, place an order and pay online with a bank card

  • 2

    We will send a confirmation to the specified email (please check the folder "SPAM")

  • 3

    Log in to your account:

  • 4

    Choose a section "Purchases" (view)

  • 5

    Download the latest version of the module files here. (view)

  • 6

    Download the license of the module here (view)

  • 7

    Install the module according to the order described below

Общий порядок установки модуля на примере OpenCart 2.Х (Для остальных версий OpenCart смотрим инструкции внутри архива. Порядок установки может отличаться для некоторых модулей):
  • Не устанавливайте модуль на рабочий сайт не имея на руках ключа Лицензии в т.ч. и тестовой, бесплатной, которая выдается на 14 дней. Устанавливайте самые свежие дистрибутивы, которые Вы получите вместе с ключом лицензии.
  • Распакуйте и загрузите ключ в корень сайта, рядом с robots.txt.
  • step-1 step-2 step-3
  • Если у вас правильно настроен и подключен ftp, то:
  • Установите архив целиком через Дополнения / Установка расширений.
  • Если же OpenCart настроен некорректно, то делаем это вручную:
  • Распакуйте архив с модулем и загрузите содержимое папки upload на сайт.
  • Если в архиве есть файл install.xml, его переименовываете в install.ocmod.xml и загружаете через Дополнения / Установка расширений.
  • Нажмите кнопку "Обновить" на страничке "Дополнения / Модификаторы".
  • Установите модуль посредством меню "Дополнения / Модули".
  • Установите права на просмотр модуля нужным пользователям.
  • Если в процессе установки возникли проблемы, пишите на
  1. Распакуйте архив с модулем и загрузите содержимое папки upload на сайт.
  2. Перейдите в настройки модуля и выполните сохранение настроек.
  3. Обновите модификаторы.
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