If 1C:Enterprise is not sinhroniziruete the order status, you will need to modify the configuration data to be uploaded in the following format.
How, using the module for the online store on OpenCart “Unloading on the price aggregators”, to display more than 20 pieces of goods on the page “Updating links”?
How to configure the module for OpenCart "Determination of the city of the user by the IP"?
In order to open the link as /sitemap-category.xml if you use NGINX you need to make in the config entry.
How in the "SEO-filter" module for an online store on OpenCart, ocStore can I configure product sorting in categories?
When using the module “data Sharing” the correct display of residues on the product on display, we guarantee only the default theme. If You need to display the balances of the warehouses in the item card, then You need to adjust file modification for Your theme. If not, You can remove fr..
In order to disable the items in the module “data Sharing”, in the SQL query, after loading register "UPDATE oc_product SET status = 0 WHERE quantity < 1
Need in the module “data Sharing” add 2 request in this box:
А именно:
update oc_product set status = 0 where quantity = 0;
update oc_product set status = 1 where quantity > 0;
This problem occurs if the store behind a bunch of two servers - apache and nginx. In this case, in fact, nginx is configured to compress according to content-type, which in the case of the site map is application/xml. In this case, nginx, despite the fact that the content is already compressed, it ..
Standard 1C:Enterprise is intended solely for the solution of accounting issues.
How does the exchange between 1C: Enterprise and the online store on OpenCart differ from NeoSeo from other modules?
If during installation of {SEO-Store}, model “A”, a 405 error occurs, then this error is caused by the fact that hosting has a limit on the execution time of the script (on shared hosting, usually 30 seconds).
С какими визуальными шаблонами OpenCart работает модуль синхронизации между 1С:Предприятие и Интернет-магазином?
Rozetka.ia supports YML, which is already in the module, but still it has its requirements. If you are familiar with twig syntax You have will not be difficult to finalize the format. "Module Unloading on price aggregators" has flexible settings, which allow you to create any format. Or, ..
Как настроить обмен измененными статусами заказов из 1С в Интернет-магазин используя модуль обмена между 1С:Предприятие и Интернет-магазином на OpenCart?
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